Tagged Questions
Cyril blessing
It is, but you have to make sure the production process is hygenic and like everything in life. Too much of everything is bad
The dark knuckles could be as a result of various factors. Hereditary, change of products (in this case the body cream).
Closely observe if it could be hereditary, if not, you might have to change your baby body soap and cream to a more baby friendly product.
If there is no changes after doing above, please visit the Hospital to see the doctor
The dark knuckles could be as a result of various factors. Hereditary, change of products (in this case the body cream).
Closely observe if it could be hereditary, if not, you might have to change your baby body soap and cream to a more baby friendly product.
If there is no changes after doing above, please visit the Hospital to see the doctor
What do you feed your baby with?is she on exclusive breastfeeding? Is it colic pain?
At 4 months the baby intestinal walls should have slightly untwisted.
My best advise is to take this baby to see a pediatrician.
My best advise is to take this baby to see a pediatrician.
After all u have said lie the baby on her tummy and tilt her head one side.
The intestine are untwisting,it will definitely stop.
The intestine are untwisting,it will definitely stop.
Have u had vaginal delivery before?
If yes u can deliver,the midwife needs to guard your perineum well.
Contractions are natural physiological process but it can be facilitated,if ur physician/midwife assement are adequate.
If yes u can deliver,the midwife needs to guard your perineum well.
Contractions are natural physiological process but it can be facilitated,if ur physician/midwife assement are adequate.
I doubt if it was warm water,I usually advise mothers who sustained tear to avoid sitz bathe,hot water application to the site too.
Ma u will have to go back to the hospital,it has to be sutured and please avoid trauma to the site(Penetration)
But from what u checked if it is not big and healing is taken place kindly use ampiclox 500mg twice daily for effective healing.
As for the waist pain use pain relieves,normally mother experience waist pain after child birth.
Ma u will have to go back to the hospital,it has to be sutured and please avoid trauma to the site(Penetration)
But from what u checked if it is not big and healing is taken place kindly use ampiclox 500mg twice daily for effective healing.
As for the waist pain use pain relieves,normally mother experience waist pain after child birth.
I don’t think you need pregnacare with those drugs as long as they’re prescribed and you’re taking the right dosage, you should also consult with your gyne just to be sure.
Oatmeal is a great way to introduce textures because the oats are soft, but still retain their structure. Oatmeal's strong nutritional profile will aid in baby's growth and development. It is recommended for babies to start solid foods when they reach six months of age.
Lonart DS 80mg/480mg Tablet is considered to be harmful for women in their first trimester of pregnancy. The reason being, it increases the chances of fetal loss.
Dr Aina Johnson
A small number of new mums have difficulty producing enough breast milk due to medical reasons, which include:
Excessive blood loss (more than 500 ml) during the birth or retained fragments of the placenta can delay your milk coming in (which usually happens around three days after the birth).
A history of polycystic ovarian syndrome, diabetes, thyroid or other hormonal disorders. Mums with these conditions sometimes experience a low milk supply. The rare medical condition mammary hypoplasia, in which there isn’t enough milk-producing glandular tissue within the breast.
Previous breast surgeries or breast trauma – although many mums who have had surgery go on to breastfeed successfully. If any of these conditions applies to you, see a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist.
Excessive blood loss (more than 500 ml) during the birth or retained fragments of the placenta can delay your milk coming in (which usually happens around three days after the birth).
A history of polycystic ovarian syndrome, diabetes, thyroid or other hormonal disorders. Mums with these conditions sometimes experience a low milk supply. The rare medical condition mammary hypoplasia, in which there isn’t enough milk-producing glandular tissue within the breast.
Previous breast surgeries or breast trauma – although many mums who have had surgery go on to breastfeed successfully. If any of these conditions applies to you, see a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist.
Remember: Meals are about more than food. They are a time to connect with your child and to support her overall development. Talk with your child during meals and don’t let her eat alone. This helps build strong family relationships. Create routines around mealtime, routines make children feel loved and secure. Establish regular meal and snack times beginning when your child is 9-12 months old. Routines help children look forward to each meal. Also, offer 3 to 4 healthy food choices (that your child likes) at each meal. Research shows that children will choose a healthy diet when they are offered a selection of different healthy foods.
Any age appropriate Milk is fine. Since you said your
daughter is 16 months old, then this milk is OK for her.
But you can not use it for babies below 1year. So for your
6months old baby, kindly use only age appropriate
daughter is 16 months old, then this milk is OK for her.
But you can not use it for babies below 1year. So for your
6months old baby, kindly use only age appropriate
Babies neck should be firm between 3-4 months. kindly take the baby to a paediatric hospital
for proper evaluation and management.
for proper evaluation and management.
For many women, heartburn starts in the first trimester, beginning around month two, and is a pregnancy symptom that lasts throughout the nine months. Try to Avoid food and drinks that upset your stomach, Eat small meals, Drink water in between meals and
Eat two or three hours before bedtime. If this doesn't improve over time,
Ask your provider about heartburn medicines
Eat two or three hours before bedtime. If this doesn't improve over time,
Ask your provider about heartburn medicines
This is not uncommon. It is normally used by air passing through normal saliva or refluxed milk. These gurgling noises are likely to build up during sleep. Slowly, the newborn learns to swallow more often.
I use cacatin cream for my baby and it worked.Try it
Is your baby exclusively breastfeeding?
He is on exclusive breast feeding . But sometimes when the breast milk isn’t available I give him formula