Eating habit Good day, I need help my baby of 1year 2 months doesn't like eating, it all started from six month till now . She eats little like a spoon of cooked food. She doesn't like tea and other baby food when I give her she usually vomits everything. She only takes breast milk and it doesn't satisfy her and she takes multivitamin. Please I need help with your advise. Thank you
Remember: Meals are about more than food. They are a time to connect with your child and to support her overall development. Talk with your child during meals and don’t let her eat alone. This helps build strong family relationships. Create routines around mealtime, routines make children feel loved and secure. Establish regular meal and snack times beginning when your child is 9-12 months old. Routines help children look forward to each meal. Also, offer 3 to 4 healthy food choices (that your child likes) at each meal. Research shows that children will choose a healthy diet when they are offered a selection of different healthy foods.