Tagged Questions

Bolaji Badmus
Please give paracetamol after the immunization especially if there's fever.
NO, there's no immunization at 4 weeks. Below is the immunization chart
⦁ At birth……BCG, OPV, HBV
⦁ 6 weeks…..Penta, OPV ⦁ 10 weeks…Penta; OPV
⦁ 14 weeks…Penta, OPV
⦁ 9 months…Measles, yellow fever
⦁ Vitamin A recommended every 6 months from age 6 months to 5years
⦁ At birth……BCG, OPV, HBV
⦁ 6 weeks…..Penta, OPV ⦁ 10 weeks…Penta; OPV
⦁ 14 weeks…Penta, OPV
⦁ 9 months…Measles, yellow fever
⦁ Vitamin A recommended every 6 months from age 6 months to 5years
No you can't, deworming should start after the child is a year old. You can give paracetamol for the fever.
Its best you wait till due date. Immunization is given on/after the scheduled date, not prior the date.
Your baby is suppose to take measles and yellow fever vaccination.
Yes you can with warm water
Paracetamol should be given AFTER ma ,not before
At 9month your child is expected to take MEASLES AND YELLOW FEVER INJECTION
Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding , starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your own food or drug intake. Kindly breast feed exclusively on demand or at least every three hours and empty one breast thoroughly before switching to the next during feeding...Also kindly check your food and all intakes generally
Kindly note that administering paracetamol after an immunization shot has to do with reducing fever associated with some vaccines side effects especially the PENTA or DPT but we don't have to take paracetamol for every immunization but then many don't know which is why especially at our health centres their practice of giving paracetamol at all immunizations, not necessary. Observe baby, if she develops fever above 37.5, give paracetamol.
No don't use SALTY WATER. PLAIN WATER with clean cloth is what the Dentists recommend
Is it a natural product?
Are you sure it's mild on baby's skin? If you
are sure then Pls go ahead or simply stay
with the known products...Coconut oil, Shea
butter, blue seal Vaseline etc."
Are you sure it's mild on baby's skin? If you
are sure then Pls go ahead or simply stay
with the known products...Coconut oil, Shea
butter, blue seal Vaseline etc."
Paracetamol dose is 15mg x weight of the baby. So your baby weight is 4.8kg that will be 72mg per dose. If you are using paracetamol drops which is 100mg in 1ml that will be 0.72ml....but if you are using the regular paracetamol syrup which is 120mg in 5ml, that will be 3ml
Please give paracetamol after immunization if the baby develops temperature, if not no need to administer.
Your baby will be fine. Which immunization did she take?

Dr Aina Johnson
Yes it is okay for a baby to take paracetamol to soothe his pain or calm fever after immunisation. The paracetamol should be given immediately AFTER the immunisation especially if s/he develops a fever.... So give one dose first AFTER the vaccination and if no subsequent fever, you can stop.

Dr Aina Johnson
Good day ma,"Penta injection is usually given deep into the muscles. One of the side effects is swollen/red injection site due to some mild bleeding into the muscle. It needs to be properly managed so it does not become infected and turn into an abscess. The simple treatment is to apply ice pack or small piece of ice block wrapped in handkerchief on it intermittently for the first 2 -3 days. It will go down. Also avoid too much handling of the affected limb as the site is usually sore. It should resolve in 2 – 3 days but if it persists and/or become bigger and soft with pus inside – that is an abscess, pls go back to the Hospital or Health Centre do it can be drained and additional treatment including antibiotics will be given
Good day ma'am, your baby was supposed to take the Penta 2 and OPV2 at 10 weeks and not 11 weeks. They may not be aware that your baby is 11 weeks which was why they fixed her for that date. Kindly read the detailed information on immunization from the link below.
Dear mom, NORMAL reaction it will eventually resolve to become a scar! No need to worry about it