6 years ago
Questions (12)
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Gud day mums pls Wat are your opinions I am three months pregnant and I am still breastfeeding my 8 months baby do you think is ok?
Mom's Health
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Good evening mothers o pls Wat can I add my baby's pap to make it more nutritious and my baby scratches his face so much we av been to the hospital taken drugs but the thing is still there Wat can I do
Baby Care
Pls mothers my baby's cough and catarrh won't go away and I have been giving zinnat since Saturday night pls what do I do again
Baby Care
Gud morning mums my baby has cough and catarrh I was giving him a cough syrup and vitamin c when I took him to the hospital the doctor said that I should stop the cough syrup and use only zinat and vitamin c pls mothers how effective will this be and what other thing can we use the catarrh and cough is serious we don't even sleep at night
Baby Care
Gud morning mums pls at what month do a baby starts crawling?
Baby Care
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Gud day mothers my baby just started taking pap I am just giving him data and millet and I use aptamill formulae pls is this ok
Gud day mums my baby is three months nd has boil in five places in his body Wat do I do.
Baby Care
Hello mummies pls my three months son is weighing 8.5kg is it normal and if not what can I do?
Baby Care
Gud evening moms I took my baby for 14 weeks immunization yesterday and since then he has been crying and running temperature and the right lap is still paining him I have been giving him paracetamol every six hours since yesterday please what else should I do?
Baby Care
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Gud day mums, pls my 3 month baby sweats a lot and has heat rashes I try to expose him most times but still under fan he will still be sweating pls Wat can I do it's getting 2much
Baby Care
Gud evening moms I av always been giving my baby Afrab Vite since birth but it finished yesterday and I decided to buy abedc instead and I noticed that it makes him so hungry more than the Afrab Vite the same 0.3 ml he is two month is it ok or should I stop.
Baby Care
Hi mommies I am new here pls I am breastfeeding my 7weeks old and I also give him water pls wats ur take on that
Breast Feeding