5 years ago
Questions (16)
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Sweet mothers and my able medical experts rejoice with me as I welcome my Prince into this wonderful world on 16/3 @ 37 weeks. Dear God pls make every woman a mother.
20 people like this
Let find twins for our adorables. Comment with your baby's birthday and see their twin from another mother.
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Dear mother's and Doctor's in the house,pls is one faint and thick line Positive? Any experience with home pregnancy test strip?
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Dear mothers, my daughter turned one yesterday. Please pray for her. Thanks
41 people like this
Hello and good morning sweet mothers and doc in the house. My baby will be one year on Sunday and am preparing to stop breastfeeding one she perfect her walking skills, pls tell me what worked for you and what I should do to make it easy for both of us. Thanks wonderful mothers.
Breast Feeding
Dear mothers! Kudos to all mothers in the world. My 10 months old daughter does not like any baby formula, so I made soya beans,fish,crayfish and groundnut for her but the powder is not sweet at all,what can I add to sweetened her pap. And what time should I add it? Its tasted so raw when I put it after making the pap. Thanks mothers-like-no-other.
Happy Easter dear mothers and doc in the house. Please where can I get a pediatrician around ketu,ojota and ikorodu in Lagos. Please its urgent.
Baby Care
Hello mothers, my sister Inlaw is trying to conceive but she has fibroid. Please is there anyway of defeating fibroid without surgery? Please tell us what worked for you!
Mom's Health
Dear mothers in the house good day to you all. I will be forced to stop breast feeding my 9 months old baby girl if she continues biting my nipple so hard. I get really scared anytime I want to feed her because the pain i÷s too much,now I have sore nipples. Please What can I do oooo?
Breast Feeding
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Dear mothers in the house,I just want to say thank you for your advice on my last post. I changed my baby's milk to SMA Gold and she eats well now without vomiting. Her rashes has cleared and her skin smooth,thanks to the magic of coconut oil and ori mixture. This will be her cream going forward. Please mothers get original coconut oil for any skin trouble for our babies. Thanks ones again great mothers.
8 people like this
Hello sweet mama's and Doc's in the house, pls help,my 8 months old baby throws up while eating anything except breast milk and water. I have tried most of the rice cereal and pap (guinea corn and millet). She must vomit (a lot) while still eating.
Hello super mum's in the house. I just signed up. Long live mothers. My 8 months baby girl has this recurring itchy rash close to her V- area. I have used so many things including sudo cream but it still comes back after a while. Pls I need permanent solution. Thanks
Baby Care
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