6 years ago
Questions (14)
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Greetings Moms & Doc, My son Who is going to be 5months next week is still having serious colic, wondering if is actually normal this time or requires taking him to the clinic??? any mom experiencing same?
Baby Care
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Greetings moms pls can a nursing mom use pure honey?
Greetings my lovely people, feeling concerned I saw my period 6weeks after giving birth & the flow lasted for 5days & stopped but it hasn't come again since then & is over 40days now, what could be the problem though I've done pt test but it came out negative pls any idea or suggestions on what the problem could be thanks.
Mom's Health
Greetings moms;.for those that can still remember let's share our babies weight starting from 10weeks & above, so that those whose babies are under weighing will know & increase in their feeding pattern, Just to help our babies.
Greetings moms, post help oooh, My baby has been releasing an Egusi like kind of excrete... & is been over 3times now & all seems very stretchy; pls is it normal or a thing to worry about??? Note am on Ebf???
Baby Care
Greetings able Mums& Docs, pls is it possible for a baby of 2months to have started teething? we just became 2months yesterday & my baby is been seriously chewing his guns with high fever. please urgent response needed thanks in anticipation.
Baby Care
Greetings ma'ams & Doc, Does anyone have an idea on how Oka is treated, oka is the name in Yoruba, then is called ngbowa isi in igbo, that thing that most babies do have on their head after birth that makes the head go deep.....and if left untreated does it harm a baby?????
Baby Care
Greetings moms pls how can I help my 1month old baby to poo? Is been over 5days of not pooing & am becoming worried though we are on Ebf, all contributions are welcomed Thanks in anticipation.
Baby Care
I want to thank the almighty God for granting me safe delivery, My baby is a week old today & thanks pretty moms& Docs for all your response to my questions I appreciate so much, secondly pls what can I use to clear up this rashes on his back is looking so bad ?????
Baby Care
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Greetings lovely moms & Docs if a baby is weighing 2.6kg in the uterus at 36weeks is it normal?????
Greeting to all the lovely mums in this platform plz can someone kindly assist a ftm with a comprehensive list of all that I would need to buy before my baby's arrival as I intend to start shopping this new week & all I can remember is bed, hangar, flask, comb, pampers & bathing bowl what else do I need pls? mama's add to my list thanks.
Greetings to all the lovely mums here, if fatal weight is said to be 1249gm what does it mean in (kg) pls can anyone help me out thanks
Hello beautiful moms in the house Greetings to everyone; please here is my question, I hope stretching alot doesn't affect the baby in the womb cos i do that often & just began wondering if is OK...am 25weeks gone & a ftm, tnx to all in anticipation.
Ways to predict ur baby gender while hoping to confirm tru an ultrasound......it might be helpful.https://www.littlethings.com/old-wives-tales-babys-gender/?utm_source=nraj&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=baby
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