My baby of 2weeks+ and on EBF cries a lot at night, and i noticed he was not adding weight. I was advised to see a paedriatrian in a teaching hospitalThe doctor found out that when he asks me to press my breast but the milk was not rushing. I have been taking a lot of liquid though. The doc recommended I start giving my baby NAN 1 with water in addition with breastfeeding n come back in a week time but d issue now is that my baby has not pooped since then and have been crying when he wants to but it's not coming out.
You can switch back to exclusive breast feeding for the first six months which is the best and recommended. Here, we advocate for exclusive breast feeding. Please watch the breastfeeding video below on how to position your baby to get more milk on YouTube. The more you place your baby on your breast, that will help increase the follow.
There are other things that could make your baby cries at night. Like colic.
  • Best Answer
Please note that it's normal for babies to lose some weight in the first two weeks after birth because of water loss. But they should add up before sixth week.
Kindly ensure that your baby is feeding well..... Feed baby more often and breastfeed to empty one breast before offering the other one.