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Yes its normal because your baby might be experiencing what is called Colic.
Babies with colic or infantile colic are healthy, well-fed babies who cry long, often inconsolable for no apparent reasons in the first three months of life.
It is often described by the rules of threes. Any healthy, well-fed infant who cries:
* More than 3 hours a day
* More than 3 days a week
* for more than 3 weeks.
Colic is common. It usually starts a few weeks after birth and often improves by age 3 months. By ages 4 to 5 months, the majority of babies with colic have improved.
Colic improves on its own, often by age 3 months. Unfortunately, there are no proven treatments that consistently help every baby.
Babies with colic or infantile colic are healthy, well-fed babies who cry long, often inconsolable for no apparent reasons in the first three months of life.
It is often described by the rules of threes. Any healthy, well-fed infant who cries:
* More than 3 hours a day
* More than 3 days a week
* for more than 3 weeks.
Colic is common. It usually starts a few weeks after birth and often improves by age 3 months. By ages 4 to 5 months, the majority of babies with colic have improved.
Colic improves on its own, often by age 3 months. Unfortunately, there are no proven treatments that consistently help every baby.
You should not worry. Babies don't talk at three months. Just crying is enough.
The baby weight is okay, What you describe might be colic.
Colic is common in babies . It usually starts a few weeks after birth and often improves by age 3 months.
Colic requires no medication, By ages 4 to 5 months, the majority of babies with colic have improved"
But if the pains becomes severe and the baby cries continuously, kindly see a doctor.
Colic is common in babies . It usually starts a few weeks after birth and often improves by age 3 months.
Colic requires no medication, By ages 4 to 5 months, the majority of babies with colic have improved"
But if the pains becomes severe and the baby cries continuously, kindly see a doctor.
The baby needs to see a pediatrician for a proper evaluation.
You should take any child crying for long for apparently no reason to the hospital. It means the child is IRRITABLE and it could be the first sign of ill-health especially if coupled with a refusal to eat.
You should take any child crying for long for apparently no reason to the hospital. It means the child is IRRITABLE and it could be the first sign of ill-health especially if coupled with a refusal to eat.
Its breath holding attacks, you might want to avoid the triggers. See a paediatrician if still concerned.
IT IS NEVER EASY TO WEAN BUT DON'T BE BLACKMAILED BY TEARS... TIME TO BE A TOUGH AND FIRM MUM. A baby who is crying and not eating needs to see a doctor preferably a Paediatrician
Your son might be having an ear infection.
Kindly take your son to the hospital, let him be seen preferably by an ENT pediatrician for an evaluation and appropriate treatment.
Kindly take your son to the hospital, let him be seen preferably by an ENT pediatrician for an evaluation and appropriate treatment.
A baby who is crying and not eating needs to see a doctor preferably a Paediatrician
Your baby will be fine. Which immunization did she take?
Does he/she eat well at night? Have you ruled out hunger, thirst, wet diaper, insect sting, mosquito bites, etc... COMMON THINGS OCCUR COMMONLY"
If after ruling out these the baby still cries please see a doctor.
If after ruling out these the baby still cries please see a doctor.
Please take your child to see a doctor, preferably a paediatrician for proper evaluation and management. The doctor will see the child and probably conduct tests to determine what is wrong with him. Please treat as urgent especially as it makes child uncomfortable.
It might be nothing serious. Just wipe with a clean cloth and if it persist or shows any discolouration, see an ophthalmologist.
Dr Aina Johnson
Colic is an excessive crying from assumed gas discomfort but it is not pain and should not be present all day long. If present all day kindly see your paediatrician for thorough evaluation and don't assume colic.
What do you mean by change like red? Most people eyes are red when crying or maybe I didn't understand the question? Please clarify!
You didn't state if your baby is on exclusive breastfeeding or not. If your baby is on EBF It's a normal phenomenon It is not Constipation. Just the baby "feeling" movement of gas and stool which they perceive as discomfort. It's not a problem and no need for any treatment or remedy. If your child is given formula, please ensure it is mixed in the right proportion of milk to water as instructed by the manufacturer. Do also give your baby water alongside formula feeds to prevent constipation. However, if the poo comes out hard, please see a paediatrician.
it could be colic but it is better to check out with your paediatrician to be sure of what is actually happening.Kindly take your baby to be examined by a doctor asap
It's very common for even the best sleepers to suddenly start having problems, whether it's trouble falling asleep at bedtime or abruptly waking up during the night. Starting at age 6 months, separation anxiety can cause babies to wake up crying more than once during the night.
If after ruling out these the baby still cries please see a doctor.