6 years ago
Questions (13)
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Gud pm moms nd docs in d house. My baby of 2.2 weeks old sucks alot and I don't think am producing enough milk for her.I keep taking pap and oats and also got a breast pump but still couldn't get any milk out. I don't want to give her formular or water bcuz I've read about d benefits of exclusive breastfeeding.Pls help a ftm, what else can I do?
Breast Feeding
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Pls moms and docs help a ftm. My baby of 6 days old is having catarrh. Am really worried about her breathing cuz of d congested nose. What can I do pls?
Baby Care
Gud pm Moms nd Docs in d house. Am about 12 weeks gone nd having sharp pains in d right side of my butt since last week. Its not always there but it comes suddenly. If it happens while i walk or bend I will have to stay in dat position for a while, like freezing. D pain can b so terrible that it affects my right leg and makes me limp sometimes. Pls advice me, could it b another pregnancy issue? I really don't understand. Thanks
Gud am Mums & Docs in d house. Pls help me out cuz Dis is really frustrating. Wat can I do to stop Dis excessive vomiting. Am 8 weeks plus gone & I went to d hospital but dey just gave my injections & said I have malaria but dey can't treat me til am 3 months gone.
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Gud pm wonderful Mums & Docs in d house. I am a FTM, and am 6 weeks gone. Bin noticing excessive white discharge since I became pregnant and yesterday I started itching 2. Pls I want 2 kno if it can be caused by pregnancy cuz I took test for infection sometime in Jan and I was fyn. Thanks for your anticipated response.
Gud Pm Docs and Mums in d house. I'm new here and also a first timer. I saw my period last on 1st of march and went to d hospital where I was confirmed positive. And was given Folic acid, B complex, Ferox & Paracetamol. Pls I want to ask if I can still take Pregnacare wit d other drugs bcuz I've heard alot of mums speak good about it on this forum. Thanks