
How to find other users?

Enter the name of the user in the search box. You will find search results.

How to view all my friends?

Go to your profile page, Click "Friends or followers" to see all my friends.

What can I do after adding a friend?

You can easily follow the status of your friends on your own page, such as: is your friend's new diary or photo for your baby?

How to invite friends to join Babymigo?

Go to "My babymigo" and click on "Invite". There are two ways to invite your friends to babymigo:

  1. Invitation via link: Click "Copy invitation link", copy it to or or share to whatsapp, facebook, twitter or blog and send as text message to all your friend. A friend can directly open the link address and register as a babymigo user.
  2. Inviting by E-mail: Enter your friend's E-mail address directly, add what you want to say in the invitation template we prepared for you, or click “Send Invitation” directly and your friend will receive a mail from you. An invitation letter from babymigo.

How do I know if my friend accepts my invitation?

After your friend accepts your invitation to register babymigo successfully, your friend will be added immediately and automatically. On your babymigo invitation page, if you go the list of “users I invited” will be displayed and honored in the other babymigo’s list.