
How to create a Groups?

Go to the group page - and click "Create group" on the right. Fill in the name, category, location and other details of the group, upload the display picture of the group, and set up access rights for the group to complete the creation of the group. Note that you’ve to be a registered user to do so.

How to edit the name, profile, and picture of a groups?

As an administrator of a group, click "edit Group" to edit the Group account settings. Kindly note that only an administrator can edit a group.

How to add an administrator or editor role to a group?

Click on "Manage Groups" and clicks "Appoint/add Administrator" to add an administrator or editor to the group.

How to ban the members of a group?

The administrator of this group enters the group page, selects the member you want to ban and click on ban.

How to join a group?

Go to a preferred group page and click "Join." Note that some groups may be subjected to administrator to approve your membership

How to leave a group?

Go to the group page and click "Exit Group."

Group management regulations

  1. The behavior of the group members and the content posted should be in accordance with the Babymigo terms and conditions.
  2. The babymigo administrator has the right to delete content that violates the Babymigo terms and condition and/or gives reminders/warnings.