6 years ago
Questions (10)
Answers (63)
Posts (7)
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Good evening mums in the house, my baby has some things on his skin. It is dry and white, I have use Shea butter, coconut oil and vecuten cream but not clearing. Please any idea on what to do again?
Baby Care
Greetings everyone, please what kind of food(nigerian) should a breastfeeding mother eat. Anytime I ask, they just say fruits, vegetables,drink water etc. I want to know the specific combination of Nigerian foods/fruits/vegetables and if possible draw up a menu. Thanks
Mom's Health
Morning mummies and doctors in the house, please can someone give me the hot water and uda recipe and how to take it. Am not Ibo and I have nobody to learn from although this is my second child, everything I have known n learnt on parenting is on internet oh. I Neva knew about it when I had my 1st child. Thanks
Mom's Health
My Good people, I hail oh. I have come again with my wahala. I woke up this morning only to feel lump and pain in my right breast coupled with the cracked nipple am experiencing, it has given me fever self. Mehn! The pain is much. I had to use hot water to massage and hand express since the breast pump was not bringing out anything, thick, slimmy and yellowish liquid was coming out then I nursed my baby and OMG, the pain was hell, baby sucking the cracked nipple, I shouted and cried like a baby. What do I do oh, I hope it's not mastitis oh or something that will need surgery.
Mom's Health
Good morning all, please will drinking Lipton tea make my baby(7wks) lose weight though I add milk and can it boost my milk supply cause it's very low
Baby Care
Evening all, please I need advice on what to do for my stomach to come down. My baby is 7 weeks now.
Mom's Health
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Good day everyone, please when does the nipple get hard my baby is 7weeks and am just enduring this breastfeeding pain. People say I should continue breastfeeding that the more he sucks, the nipple will get tough and no pain again.
Breast Feeding
Good morning mothers, please I have breastfeeding issues. My baby(6weeks old) doesn't open his mouth to let the breast in but he prefers to suck it in and it has given me sore and painful nipples. I had to stop him from taking direct then express for him. How can I make him get the breast in well. Thanks
Breast Feeding
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