Candida yeast infection in 11 weeks pregnancy ?
Ask your doctor to recommend vaginal creams and suppositories only. Not all vaginal creams and suppositories are okay to use during pregnancy, so it is best to consult your doctor or pharmacist to get the right one. If left untreated, yeast infections can pass to your baby’s mouth during delivery. This is called “thrush” and is effectively treated with Nystatin.

It may take 10-14 days to find relief or completely clear up the infection while you are pregnant. After the infection has cleared up and any sores have healed, it may be helpful to use a starch-free drying powder, or Nystatin powder to prevent a recurring infection.
Yeast infections during pregnancy are more common than any other time in a woman's life, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. You may be noticing an increase in the amount of thin, white, odd smelling discharge. This is common and a normal symptom in the second trimester.