Please, What is the difference between Pregnacare Max and Pregnacare Plus?
  • Best Answer
According to vitabiotics, the makers of PregnaCare.
Pregnacare Plus dual pack provides the original fully comprehensive multivitamin tablet, which delivers the essential nutrients for pregnancy including the recommended level of 400mcg folic acid and 10 mcg vitamin D as advised by the UK Department of Health D during pregnancy and breast-feeding, plus an additional Omega-3 capsule to provide a rich source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which contributes to normal brain and eye development of the foetus.
Pregnacare Plus Provides

✓ 28 x Pregnacare multi-nutrient tablets with 400mcg Folic Acid
✓ 28 x Omega-3 capsules with 300mg DHA
✓ Vitamin D in Pregnancy
✓ Vitamin E in Pregnancy

Pregnacare Max offers the ultimate formula in the range for mums-to-be who want the maximum nutritional support from Pregnacare. This advanced formula helps to safeguard daily intake of important nutrients during pregnancy. Supplemental folic acid intake increases maternal folate status*. Low maternal folate status is a risk factor in the development of neural tube defects in the developing foetus.