Empty Uterus My LMP was 7th Jan., placed on 50mg progesterone weekly after a positive Urine and blood pregnancy test.

Went in for TVS at 6wks 1day
The Uterus was empty

What is wrong?
I'm devastated
Hello sis, you need to see a doctor preferably a gynaecologist asap. A pregnancy test (blood test) or a quantitative Beta HCG. If the levels are doubling or increasing by 70% then this would be highly suggestive of a normally developing pregnancy. If however, the levels are remaining static or declining then this would indicate an impending pregnancy loss such as a miscarriage. However, it is important to rule out the possibility of an ectopic in any case. A transvaginal ultrasound scan should be done by an experienced gynaecologist to rule out the possibility.
So sorry to hear about your experience. Note that you shouldn't border yet until further tests and scans are conducted in few days or weeks. There are two possibilities in this instance, the one is that the pregnancy is too early, or is not advancing due to implantation factors or the second possibility is that of an ectopic pregnancy. If the pregnancy is too early, the uterus might be empty and you'll need to do another test. So you can't conclude anything yet. You need to see a gynaecologist.