please what can make stay awake at night often?
  • Best Answer
Just relax and ensure you keep the baby in a comfortable room.
** Ensure the baby is well fed as well.
** Avoid noise and distractions that could make the baby not to sleep well..
** Change diapers once wet, not waiting till there is poo in the diaper etc...A well-fed baby should sleep at leat 5 -6 hours at night but can wake to just breastfeed. If the sleeping issues persist, kindly see a Paediatrician for further evaluation and management
Kindly see a Paediatrician first for thorough evaluation? How long does the baby sleep at night? How often do you feed the baby? Does he sleep during the day?What quantity of food does the baby finish? What is his birth weight and current weight?
Do you mean, what can make a baby stay awake all night?