Sharing my Labour room experience. I hope this will help someone and also encourage others who may find themselves in similar situation.

I waited four years in marriage before God remembered me and l got pregnant last year. The journey was smooth and l had one of the most stress free journey. And on the 22nd of April I spotted blood and l started having contraction. I was admitted once and the battle started. From that 22nd night till 24th morning. I was contracting but dilation was slow. On 24th morning I was induced....... I cried, wailed and scream but still l was 6cm dilated. This was around 4pm and l couldn't feel my baby movement anymore. Doctor came and examine me and was saying the heart beat was getting weak. That was when l got up from the bed and ask; "do they give position to those who delivered with virginal" and the answered and said no. I then ask them "so why keep me in pains for this long"? That was when I requested for a cesarean section (CS) even without consulting my husband. I signed it and ask my friend who was with me to make payment immediately. That was how l was booked for an emergency CS and by 5.34pm I heard the cry of my son. Am sharing this today because a lot of women had lost their lives and that of the baby because they believe CS is a sin or does not make them a complete woman. "For me a complete woman" is all mothers wether virginal birth or cesarean section(CS). Today l have my son with me and am happy for the decision l took and l will take that decision again if need be. Save your child and save your life. ONE LOVE
Beautiful Story, Thanks for sharing.