Does teething necessarily cause frequent headache/ emaciation to children?
  • Best Answer
The period when babies begin to cut their first tooth also coincide with the period that of waning immunity and exposure to germs through increasing exploration of the environment.

Therefore babies are very vulnerable during this period to infection. Since they are also teething, it is easy for mothers to blame these illnesses on the innocent bystander -teething!!
That is why so many and all manner of symptoms that are unrelated are blamed on teething!!

So the illnesses some babies have during the period of teething are due to the waning immunity during the same period they are teething as highlighted above....It has nothing to do with teething.
Teething does not make children ill. It is a normal physiological process. Most babies start cutting their first teeth around 6 - 11 months which coincide with period when exclusive breastfeeding is stopped and complementary feeding is started so there is reduction in the protective factors against ill-health received via breast-milk. This period of 6 - 11 months is also the period that babies begin to also explore the environment more making them to come in contact with germs.