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Name | Meaning | Origin | Share |
Kosarachi | Tell it to God | Igbo | |
kosisochukwu | As it pleases the lord | Igbo | |
Kosoko | No hoes (to bury this) | Yoruba | |
Kosoluchi | As it pleases God | Igbo | |
Kosoluchukwu | As God pleases | Igbo | |
Koyinsola | Put honey into wealth ( Experience sweet wealth) | Yoruba | |
Kristibueze | Christ is the king. | Igbo | |
Kromor | Energetic | Ijaw | |
Kubra | great, senior | Hausa | |
Kufre | Don't forget | Efik | |
Kufreabasi | Do not forget God, one who always remembers God. | Igbo | |
Kufreabasi | Do Not Forget God | Efik | |
Kukere | Don't Think or Don't worry Yourself | Efik | |
Kukoyi | Death rejects this (one) | Yoruba | |
Kuluwa | A daughter who is most love in a family and many others | Hausa |