My baby is 3months old but she is
always stretching what could be the cause?
It depends
on what you mean by stretching... stretching
as in discomfort like babies do when having
colic or stretching as in convulsion where
the baby is not fully aware of what is going
onjQuery32106705611995597556_1626090119509 You may want to do a video clip and
show it to the Paediatrician as soon as
possible to know which is.
It depends
on what you mean by stretching... stretching
as in discomfort like babies do when having
colic or stretching as in convulsion where
the baby is not fully aware of what is going
onjQuery32106705611995597556_1626090119509 You may want to do a video clip and
show it to the Paediatrician as soon as
possible to know which is.