My son has what the doctor called hydrocele and I am very worried because I can not bear it if anything happens to him, because I face lot of challeng
Soji Michael
A hydrocele refers to fluid collection in the scrotum usually around the testis or anywhere along the line of descent of the testis. A hydrocele (usually if noticed from birth is essentially harmless) and may resolve on its own. If it persists till he is about a year old, a Day case surgery would suffice. So no cause for alarm. An inguinoscrotal hernia may be mistaken for a hydrocele in some children, so it's important to be certain it is a hydrocele. An inguinal or inguinoscrotal hernia in a child needs earlier intervention. However, a minor day case surgery is still what is done.
Soji Michael
Nothing will happen to your baby. Hydrocele is a mild condition that will either resolve spontaneously or treated by a very simple day case surgery is, You go home same day.