My baby's hair is cutting by the day. She is eight months. The back of the hair is the worst(almost bald), initially, I thought it was because she lik
This terms more commonly refers to a skin disorder called Infantile seborrheic dermatitis (henceforth referred to as ISD). The cause of this disorder is unknown. This rash may be due to child’s response to some organisms in the oily areas of the body namely the scalp, eyebrows behind the ears, or on the neck, cheeks, chest skin folds and diaper area. It's most common in babies under 6 months.
Some babies have this as a result of underlying scalp conditions which must be treated...for others, there is really no reason for the hair loss and it will just grow back on its own. You need to be careful not to use any products that will worsen the hair loss. It is better to see your Paediatrician or Dermatologist first